
吃「南極磷蝦油」當心保健不成、反吃下過多重金屬。衛福部食藥署今日公布最新一批邊境查驗不合格名單,在高雄紐堡國際貿易股份有限公司自中國大陸進口的一批「南極磷蝦油(KRILL OIL)」檢出砷9.3ppm,超出「食用油脂類衛生標準」的砷最大容許量0.1ppm,總重250公斤全數遭退運或銷毀。



林口長庚醫院臨床毒物科主任顏宗海表示,砷分有機砷、無機砷,其中有機砷 普遍存魚貝類中,吃下肚並無毒性;無機砷則不同,三價砷就是俗稱的「砒霜」,無機砷是人類確定致癌物,長期曝露恐傷肝腎、皮膚病變,增加罹患膀胱癌、皮膚癌等風險。

Eat "Antarctic krill oil" and take care of it, and eat more than one metal. The Weifu Food and Drug Administration announced the latest batch of unqualified border inspections. A batch of "KRILL OIL" imported from Kaohsiung Newcastle International Trading Co., Ltd. from mainland China detected 9.3 ppm of arsenic, exceeding The maximum allowable amount of arsenic in the Hygienic Standard for Edible Oils and Fats is 0.1 ppm, and the total weight of 250 kg is returned or destroyed.

The Food and Drug Administration released 14 unqualified products in one breath, in addition to the batch of "Antarctic krill oil" exported from mainland China, as well as sesame, New Zealand freeze-dried lemon powder, American brown rice and Vietnam exported from Paraguay. The amount of pesticide residues detected in black tea and green tea does not meet the requirements.

The Food and Drug Administration pointed out that all products that failed to pass the border customs clearance inspection were returned or destroyed according to regulations and did not flow into the domestic market.


Yan Zonghai, director of clinical toxicology department of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Linkou, said that arsenic is divided into organic arsenic and inorganic arsenic. Among them, organic arsenic is commonly stored in fish and shellfish. It is not toxic when eaten. Inorganic arsenic is different. Trivalent arsenic is commonly known as "arsenic". Arsenic is a human to determine carcinogens, long-term exposure to liver and kidney, skin lesions, increased risk of bladder cancer, skin cancer.

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